Do you have a few hours a week or days on a regular basis when you could help us as a volunteer driver? We require you to have a clean driving licence, your own car and your permission to carry out a DBS check. Mileage allowance is paid for any driving you carry out for us.

Please contact us on 01904 551441
or contact Karen on karen.woodward@york.nhs.uk.

01904 630080

Fundraising Update

York Wheels and Dial & Ride and holding our annual Christmas raffle this year. Tickets will be available from November from our office in the York Hospital costing £1.00 for 5 tickets We will have some fabulous prizes as always and if you are able to support this good cause by offering a donation to our raffle or buying some tickets that would be well appreciated. Contact our office on 01904 630080. Thank you.

Fundraising update!

AMAZON – we are working with AMAZON SMILE  to raise money for our charity.  Simply nominate York Wheels at smile.amazon.co.uk and we will receive a donation from Amazon of 0.5% of any purchases you make.  Its free to you and worth hundreds of pounds to us

Click the link below
