Do you have a few hours a week or days on a regular basis when you could help us as a volunteer driver? We require you to have a clean driving licence, your own car and your permission to carry out a DBS check. Mileage allowance is paid for any driving you carry out for us.

Please contact us on 01904 551441
or contact Karen on karen.woodward@york.nhs.uk.

01904 630080


York Wheels Ltd and Dial & Ride are looking for volunteers to serve as Trustees and attend the monthly Board of Trustee's meeting in particular a Treasurer's role and a Secretary's role.

York Wheels Ltd offer a Volunteer Car Service – through our volunteer drivers we provide a pre-booked car service.  Whilst a lot of our trips are for medical appointments, we can also undertake social bookings.


The role of a Trustee at York Wheels Ltd involves ensuring the organization pursues its stated objectives by developing a long term strategy.  Trustees must also ensure that York Wheels Ltd applies its resources in pursuance of its charitable objectives.  Additionally, all Trustees are expected to contribute in activities of the charity including fund raising events and social events for volunteers.  You must have an enthusiasm for fundraising, preferably some business experience, good communication skills, commitment to the organization’s mission and time commitment to attend monthly meetings and partake in York Wheels Ltd activities.


Please contact the office to find out more information on 01904 630080.